Friday, December 30, 2011

How Chinese writing validates the story of Creation

November 5, 20ll
When 2011 came in, and with that the earthquake and tsunami in Japan in March, I felt that God was urgently calling one and all to come into His Garden of rest.  It was amplified by the picture of the warrior child(representing us) sitting on Jesus' lap and He was talking to the child about what is occuring in the earth and the preparation that the child needs to be His agent on earth. All around them is a whirlpool of troubles and hardship for the earth. Psalm 91 was given to show us that He is our hiding place, our shelter, our fortress, our Garden. Yes, the Garden is our safe place. It is our only safe place.

The Lord is now stepping up in talking to us about His Garden. He is bringing in Chinese characters which are 700 - 1000 years more ancient than Mose's writing of Genesis, to validate and affirm that there was a Garden where He put the first man and woman and there were two trees in the Garden and the devil hid behind the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and he was the deceiver. Let me share briefly about our writing system. We do not have the system of the alphabets. Each character consists of a pictographic-ideographic image which has different parts to make up a whole word. We must commit each picture word to memory. These characters were in existence two thousand years before Confucius time, around 2500 BC. In the course of my teaching, a book came into my hand called The Discovery of Genesis, How the Truths of Genesis Were Found Hidden in the Chinese Language, written by Rev.C.H. Kang and Dr. Ethel R. Nelson. Because I teach Chinese calligraphy as art, I am keenly interested in these characters.

From studying this book, I began to learn about such characters as "righteousness" which is composed of two parts - the top part is the character for "lamb"; the lower part is the word for "I" or "me". Thus Lamb over me is righteousness. Another is the character for "Blessing".  It is composed of four parts which put together says that "A person who walks with God in the Garden is blessed." The character for the deceiver, the devil, has six parts. In studying each of the six constituent symbols and adding them up, it tells of two trees in the garden, and that the devil is camouflaged and hiding behind one of the trees and that his purpose is to deceive. The character for "to create" has five parts. Together it tells of the creation of the first man from the dust of the earth, and that God breathe life from His mouth into the "dust man" and this man came forth, not as baby, but as an adult, able to talk, and also to walk. These are but four samples. There are many such amazing characters. *See below for actual Chinese characters
It is surmised that from the Tower of Babel a group of people traveled to the land which is now China and there our written language was invented which told of what they knew about the creation, Garden of Eden and the flood. It is the one remaining language which has been passed down intact for thousands of years. Unbeknownst to linguists and archaeologists and to most Chinese, Christians or not, God has left an important source that validates the book of Genesis: our Chinese characters, which gives a picture about the first Garden of Eden.
Note: to be continued -  the "Two Trees and the Valley of Decision" painting: a picture of an end-time Garden of Eden.


To Create

