Saturday, June 2, 2012

Tidalwave 2 over San Diego

I believe "TheTidal Wave 2" is being activated by the Lord for the San Diego region, "for such a time as this." (Esther 4:14). In November,1996, I was sitting in front of the Pacific Ocean by the Oceanside pier on a rainy day and the Lord had me paint a wave so big and so full of colors. I asked the Lord what that wave meant and He indicated it was about revival coming to our region.

In the course of many years since, a sense grew in me and in the hearts of a number of prayer leaders in Oceanside, that when revival comes to the San Diego region it would very likely start from the north. We take note that both the visions of the "Warrior Bride" painting-word and the "Tidal Wave over the World" painting-word came to me by the ocean of Oceanside.

Last weekend, I drove up to Oceanside to attend the first Prophetic Intercession School for San Diego led by Pastor Joanne. Actually, Joanne has been pastoring a small prayer group for at least 10 - 15 years, training intercessors how to hear well what is on God's heart for that day, and once they hear, to pray as one for God's agenda. No other agenda but exactly His agenda.This year, the Lord is asking them to take this Prophetic Intercession School to the four regions of San Diego - traveling prayer training school to train San Diegans to pray as one the very heart of God.

I remember during the early years after the tidal wave painting came, why the wave had not yet come. An answer I was given by my pastor was, "It will come when the church is in unity." That unity seems impossible to come by. Still so much division among churches, so much church politics. So how could that oneness come in? Ah! The unity is not so much in the realm of "doings," but in the realm of "being," as in praying as one. As I sat in the prayer meeting last Saturday praying with the others, I received a key understanding. The unity comes when God's people pray as one. This is what God treasures. Here is a paragraph describing "oneness" from my second book, The Rising Up of the Warrior Bride of Christ, A Prophetic Journey:

When that breakthrough comes, we are no longer separate people sharing a room and time singing together or praying together. We are suddenly one person. It is the bride of Christ functioning as one - one mind, one emotion, one spirit. We know as one, hear as one, and receive His Word as one.

In 2007, I painted a second tidal wave. This wave is painted as looming over the Oceanside pier, so gloriously imminent. Even as God's people continues to pray deeply in the spirit realm the very heart of God with every heart praying as one with His heart, I believe the tidal wave will fall upon us.

Praying as one is just one version of why San Diego is due for revival. Many, many have stood and kept vigil through the years doing what each person, each small group, each church is called to do to bring in oneness. I like to mention the ministry of Carol releasing worship to God and bringing down such a heavy sense of His Presence with songs given to her, pounding, pounding on Heaven's door with the beat and rhythm and sound of earth calling to Heaven. I like to mention that for many years the Messianic dance ministry of Jackie has been leading us into such high worship to the King of Kings . Alma and Beth's weekly ministry of healing and deliverance near the southern border of San Diego and Tijuana have been going on for 15-20 years or more. They faithfully minister to the sick and oppressed and signs and wonders and healing miracles are regular occurences. How about Lisa who has faithfully been prayer walking/running by the ocean in the city of La Jolla and other locations the Lord sends her to, for some seventeen years now. Her heart pounds in sync with the Lord's heart for our region as she runs, her ears cocked in readiness to hear His voice.

I like to mention that many leaders in San Diego have fought for this region and the toll on their health, family, relationships, ministries have been heavy. Inspite of the high cost to themselves, they are still standing in San Diego, not with heavy, bowed heads, but rather standing tall, their faces set like flint, glowing, with badges of honor on their chests, actually moving now into greater anointing and receiving what they have been patiently praying and contending for - revival for this region. Not only for this region, but beyond. Way, way beyond. Joanne's feet get to step on the "lion and cobra" (as in Psalm 91) in China for the past some five-six years bringing in true revival to the region of Fuzhou. Gary Goodell and his vision of doing church differently, that is, doing house churches, is seeing his vision multiplying in India, Philippines, and other nations.

A key prayer leader in the North County of San Diego region was recently given the death sentence of stage 4 cancer in her lungs. But she declared, " I don't see myself dying yet. This is not supposed to be how I go." Many stood with her and claimed her healing with her. Last week her doctor was astonished and befuddled! Where did the cancer go? Cancer has disappeared from her lungs! The He-Laughs-at-Fear Horse laughs - Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

I like to mention the arrival of Robert Herber to San Diego four years ago from Waco, Texas Antioch Church because the Lord said to him, "Go to San Diego and start a church there!" He and his family came not knowing anyone in San Diego. Today the All Peoples' Church is doing church in a ghetto part of San Diego. Five hundred people of diverse ethnic groups and diverse ages and economic backgrounds are joyfully congregating in a public school not far from the San Diego State University. Gangs and college students and athletes and the homeless are welcomed to this church. They even took 250 people to Tijuana for four days to infiltrate their streets and bring the poor and the gangs into the kingdom. It is a Jesus' church.

What is happening here in San Diego is a love affair with the Lord. He is so good to us, and we are prospering in Him, and our joy is attracting many to run to Him, wanting to know who He is. That is revival.

I am sharing my perspective.