Friday, December 30, 2011

How Chinese writing validates the story of Creation

November 5, 20ll
When 2011 came in, and with that the earthquake and tsunami in Japan in March, I felt that God was urgently calling one and all to come into His Garden of rest.  It was amplified by the picture of the warrior child(representing us) sitting on Jesus' lap and He was talking to the child about what is occuring in the earth and the preparation that the child needs to be His agent on earth. All around them is a whirlpool of troubles and hardship for the earth. Psalm 91 was given to show us that He is our hiding place, our shelter, our fortress, our Garden. Yes, the Garden is our safe place. It is our only safe place.

The Lord is now stepping up in talking to us about His Garden. He is bringing in Chinese characters which are 700 - 1000 years more ancient than Mose's writing of Genesis, to validate and affirm that there was a Garden where He put the first man and woman and there were two trees in the Garden and the devil hid behind the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and he was the deceiver. Let me share briefly about our writing system. We do not have the system of the alphabets. Each character consists of a pictographic-ideographic image which has different parts to make up a whole word. We must commit each picture word to memory. These characters were in existence two thousand years before Confucius time, around 2500 BC. In the course of my teaching, a book came into my hand called The Discovery of Genesis, How the Truths of Genesis Were Found Hidden in the Chinese Language, written by Rev.C.H. Kang and Dr. Ethel R. Nelson. Because I teach Chinese calligraphy as art, I am keenly interested in these characters.

From studying this book, I began to learn about such characters as "righteousness" which is composed of two parts - the top part is the character for "lamb"; the lower part is the word for "I" or "me". Thus Lamb over me is righteousness. Another is the character for "Blessing".  It is composed of four parts which put together says that "A person who walks with God in the Garden is blessed." The character for the deceiver, the devil, has six parts. In studying each of the six constituent symbols and adding them up, it tells of two trees in the garden, and that the devil is camouflaged and hiding behind one of the trees and that his purpose is to deceive. The character for "to create" has five parts. Together it tells of the creation of the first man from the dust of the earth, and that God breathe life from His mouth into the "dust man" and this man came forth, not as baby, but as an adult, able to talk, and also to walk. These are but four samples. There are many such amazing characters. *See below for actual Chinese characters
It is surmised that from the Tower of Babel a group of people traveled to the land which is now China and there our written language was invented which told of what they knew about the creation, Garden of Eden and the flood. It is the one remaining language which has been passed down intact for thousands of years. Unbeknownst to linguists and archaeologists and to most Chinese, Christians or not, God has left an important source that validates the book of Genesis: our Chinese characters, which gives a picture about the first Garden of Eden.
Note: to be continued -  the "Two Trees and the Valley of Decision" painting: a picture of an end-time Garden of Eden.


To Create



The amazing Chinese character "Glory" (Yong)

November 28, 2011

Since I last wrote about our Chinese characters and how they validated the early stories of Genesis on creation and the Garden of Eden, I have been waiting to share about one more character that stands out to me - the character "Glory" (Yong).  When I went to do a workshop for the Waves of Glory Women's Conference just three weeks ago, Lo and behold! the Lord woke me up two nights in a row to remind me of a painting He gave me back in 1996,  "Tidal Wave Over the World" (see, gallery section) and that this painting and the Chinese character "Glory" are linked up.  You can understand the excitement I felt over this revelation. 
The character "Yong" or "Glory" has three parts. 
The top part shows two persons who look like fire with a bright and shiny appearance. They are standing on a covering over a tree, and this tree is the Tree of Life. From this character "yong", it seems like the Chinese ancients knew how Adam and Eve looked before the fall - that they were covered by light, had a glory about them and that they stayed close to the Tree of Life, eating the fruit of the tree and drinking from the river of living water. When they succumbed to the temptation of the evil one and ate the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the covering of light left, and they saw that they were naked.
When Jesus came, He first declared that He was the light of the world (John 8:12), and later He declared that we are the light of the world.  I believe that indeed when we accept Jesus into our hearts, and the Godhead came to dwell in us, never to leave, the light, the glory of the Lord once again emanates from His beloved sons and daughters.  We are the light of the world, so let our light so shine, that those who see us will give glory to God (paraphrase Matthew 5:14, 16). It is the enemy's intention and ploy that we be tainted and covered with shame and a sense of unworthiness so that we will hide our light under a bushel, believing that we are failures in God's eyes. Not so!  We are the apple of His eyes.
Even though Satan tricked the first man and woman into losing their glory, God had inspired our ancient Chinese to invent a "character," a pictographic word, to foretell the emerging of another "new man" or "new race" who would be carriers of His glory.  What brilliant thought of God!  How He saw from the beginning of time that He would prepare a people who down through the ages would altogether become the glorious and shining bride of Christ, through what the Son of God did on the cross!
How does this character "yong" link up with the "Tidal Wave over the World" painting?
On the morning of the workshop,November 5th, the Lord had me reread what I wrote in The Rising Up of the Warrior Bride of Christ concerning the Tidal Wave painting. "In November of 1996, the Lord brought me to Oceanside, California, and while sitting in front of the ocean, on a rainy day, He gave me the Tidal Wave painting. What surprised me was the rainbow colors that came forth. Most interesting was the crest of yellow light that the tidal wave carried, with areas of fiery colors as well... I became very conscious that we were all carriers of His light. We may not see with our naked eyes, but light is emanating from us." 
I went on to read about how I had gotten badly hurt in a church situation and had wanted to subtly put up a wall between me and the others. I thought that as long as I was walking with the Lord myself, I would be fine; really, nobody would even know. He intervened and spoke to me, "Jean, this is not the time to walk away from the tidal wave; it is the time to walk into the tidal wave. Revival is coming and you want to be in the revival. You must be one as We are One. You collectively are the bride of Christ, not the brides of Christ. You must act as one now. The light from all of you coming together as one light will collapse darkness with the force of a tidal wave, overwhelming it with light and love."  This is a word for NOW. He is urging us to put away all our differences and get into oneness and collectively shine for Him. John 17:33, "I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one. I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you send me and have loved them even as you have loved me."  Amen, Lord Jesus.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Entering into His rest concerning our finance

August 15, 2011

Two days ago, as I sat on a high bluff in front of the Pacific Ocean listening to the waves, with my eyes closed, I was so aware of my friendship with God. For so many years, more than eighteen, I have sat with Him there.  Our friendship has been forged through fire and water.
As I am writing this email,  I know that Peter and I have come through another huge testing in the arena of finance.  You see,  the down-to-earth threat is that when Peter's unemployment checks stop in a few months, and if he still cannot find work, we may no longer be able to make the heavy mortgage payments which will lead to the loss of our home of 40 years. The fabric of our lives as to my teaching art in our wonderful art room, as well as Peter publishing my books and prints in our home office, and the many years of housing our house church where so many have come and are still coming to eat and worship the Lord together, all that will be gone.
BUT GOD...Since the beginning of this year 2011, the Lord has instructed us to daily declare Psalm 91 over ourselves and our home.  Through Psalm 91 He promises us that His faithfulness will be our shield and rampart and that no disaster will come near our home.  In fact, He commands His angels to guard us in all our ways as we learn to take power and authority over the devourer and the enemy's lies, in the name of Jesus and by His shed blood.  He says that because we love Him and acknowledges Him, He will answer us when we call out to Him for help.  He will deliver us from troubles and honor us and show us our salvation. This is not written lightly. Over and over we are being trained and tested on this. Do we believe His word in Psalm 91?  Do we trust Him?  Is He Who He says He is - Jehovah Jireh (the God who provides) and Jehovah Rapha (the God who heals)?  He asks us to enter into rest as in Hebrew 4. He invites us to to live in His Garden of Rest (reference His Garden  at, book section). Can we rest when the whole world is falling into economic woes and disasters of all sorts? How can we find rest when we are sitting on the brink of possible loss of our home? Yet, both Peter and I are truly coming into our rest regarding our financial quandary. Our spirit is learning to say "Yes, Lord, we will rest. We choose to rest."
I am sharing this because this training is coming to all of us. The bottomline is that He's got to train His bride now to keep our eyes on Jesus and to walk on water. We are all in the school of the overcomer.
As I sat there at the bluff by the ocean, I opened my journal and began to re-read the notes I took of Graham Cooke's teaching at the Aglow conference in Ontario on July 9th this year. (see "You have lost your first love" July 28, 2011 on my blog or the journal section of my website or read Graham Cooke's book, Prophetic Wisdom). As I was pacing on the bluff wondering how to get it, that is, Graham's teaching, suddenly I felt the Holy Spirit nudging me to take courage and say to the Lord, " You painstakingly carved those truths on Graham Cooke's heart which brought him to live profoundly in Your rest, without even one worry in the last so many years. That man has gone to live in the Garden of Rest and he has not left, and that's what I want, Lord. You gave me the book His Garden, and You are sending me out to share the story, but I still have unrest in my own heart. Lord, I am desperate for Your Holy Spirit to transport those words of Graham Cooke into my heart so that I too, like Graham, will truly live in the Garden of Rest and never leave it again."
I sense that He was pleased with my request and that this was His response: "I have been doing that in you for many years now, dear Jean. Many, many years. You are simply being processed differently from Graham. But the goal is the same for you and him and all my other beloved ones who delight in Me. I am calling one and all to enter into My Garden of Rest. There lies your hiding place, your shelter from all storm.  It is also where I will walk and talk with you in the cool of the day as in the Garden of Eden. Do not fear. Remember, all things are possible with Me.  If I ask you to do something, it means  I will empower you to do it. There is no other way you can do it but by My power.Take heart and trust in My faithfulness to provide for all your needs."

What it's like to live in the position of "first love"

July 26, 2011

In July, 2011, I went with six of my paintings to exhibit at the West Coast Aglow Conference in Ontario, California, not knowing that this was set up by the Lord for me to hear Graham Cooke speak.  As soon as I heard him speak, I knew God wanted to tell me something critically important for my own walk with the Lord. On the second session, Graham was addressing "You have lost your first love," and that was when I knew I had lost my first love.  Only, the way Graham Cooke used these words in Revelation 2:4, "You have lost your first love" concerning the church in Ephesus, it was different from how we normally hear it  - a scolding that we no longer want to serve God as passionately as when we first become Christians.To illustrate what "first love" really meant, Graham had four people come on stage, one to be Father God, the second one to be Jesus. These two stand facing each other. The third person is a woman representing the bride of Christ and the fourth is the Holy Spirit.  He placed her in the middle of Jesus and the Father. He had the Holy Spirit stand behind her.

The term "first love" is the love that exists between the Father and the Son from before time.  When Jesus returned to Heaven He sent the Holy Spirit to be on earth to usher the bride into the space between the Father and the Son. When we stand in that space, we receive the first love that flows between the Father and the Son unceasingly going through us. The Father loves the Son and the Son loves the Father. They are unceasingly speaking loving words with each other.  We, standing between them, get to be the recipient of the flow of their love one for the other. We are privileged to hear their conversations with each other.  The Holy Spirit's job is to stand there behind us to help us stay in that space of the flow of their first love.  Anytime we believe the lie from the enemy that we are not worthy of being in that space between God the Father and God the Son, but we must work for it, we move out of that space of first love. (Revelation 12:10b, "For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night..." The enemy works day and night to rob us of our rightful place in the embrace of the Father and the Son through subtle religious lies, which unfortunately comes through many performance church teachings.

The year that cancer was found on me was both the most difficult year of my life and yet the highest level of living as the beloved of God.  In that one year of keeping a journal of every exchange of words between God and me, I went from a scared human being to being an overcomer daring to fight cancer with God's word and full of the joy of the Lord.

You see, the words I wrote down from Him to me in my journal during that cancer year which are now in my book Out of the Wilderness were amazingly loving and powerful.   I always wondered how come He could love me into being healed of cancer.  I never had treatments and the doctors said they were sure my lymph nodes were all infected and I did not have a minute to lose in getting chemo and radiation treatments. In fact, part of the strain of cancer was aggressive. Yet I am alive today because the Holy Spirit ushered me into that space between the Father and the Son and for a year I was bathed and washed in the first love of the Trinity.  It is now seven years and I am alive and still testifying of His healing power.

A friend wrote me a few days ago that she is rereading my Out of the Wilderness book, only this time she is using it as a daily devotional. She shared that she is getting to know in her spirit the person of God as Jehovah Rapha and Jehovah Jireh (the God who heals and the God who provides) and that every word speaks to her spirit.  I am glad she is doing that. I know now that every word I wrote during that one year was written from being sandwiched between God the Father and God the Son, with the Holy Spirit beaming at me.

The Lord brought me to hear Graham Cooke because He wanted me to know that I did experience and live in that first love for several years, but gradually through repeated attacks from the enemy to discredit my healing I began to grow weary. I fought back hard and continued to stand for my healing but it did take a toll on me. Read my blogs or to see several reports I wrote last year to alert people that the enemy was hitting leaders especially hard to bring them into sickness and weariness of spirit.  When I wrote those reports I did not know I would also get hit.

I had suffered from chronic heart palpitations for many years, but got healed of it when I was healed of cancer. In the last two years as the wiles and schemes of the enemy raged strongly against my mind, emotion and body,  I began to forget how it felt to live in His Garden of Rest, how to sit on the lap of Jesus, how to enjoy being in the position between God the Father and the Son where I was loved unconditionally. I had opened the door to receive packages from the enemy telling me how unworthy I was to be painting for the Lord. Subtle lies upon subtle lies snucked into the door of my mind. No more did I see myself as the beloved of Jesus with the beautiful gown of incredible lightness and the slippers I could dance in. I started to carry a sack full of urgent cares, fears and griefs of all sorts, and I was beginning to believe it was time to go be with the Lord. So tired. Heart palpitation came back to me with a vengeance. Last week I was put in the hospital to get an angiogram done as the doctors were quite sure that an artery must be getting narrower and I would need to have a stint put in. To their huge surprise, the surgeon exclaimed, "Her heart is as clean as a newborn!"  Ha Ha!

Last night as I was in between consciousness and sleep, I heard the word "the supremacy of Christ."  I knew that the Holy Spirit was alerting me to rise up and fight to stay, to abide, to remain in the position of first love. Just as His Garden is a state of mind and heart, and sitting on Jesus' lap is to return to childlike faith and trust, I must guard myself from giving in to lies of all sorts which he uses to rob and steal my inheritance and destiny, especially the lies that I am unworthy and third class citizen. I have learned that step first step toward losing the Garden in our hearts is to allow the cares of the world - worries, fear, stress to grow subtly over our hearts like weeds.We must declare the supremacy of Christ over all things in our lives and render null and void threats and intimidations he uses to undermine our position as His beloved.  In taking authority over every single lie of the enemy (take time to identify the lies one by one) we will gain strength in knowing that we are the beloved, because indeed Christ lives in us, the hope of glory.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Through the Tunnel to Our Destiny

This painting was birthed on March 26, 2011 at a prophetic worship intercession event for Japan and the Middle East. As the worship team with Carol Kiger-Rice was singing "Open The Heaven" (written by Carol Kiger-Rice with Voice of the Bride Ministries) my spirit was soaring with the sound going up to heaven. I felt so alive and full of joy and thanksgiving to this great, good God who loves us so. In His greatness He honors us tiny humans to play a part of bringing down His will to earth as it is in heaven through worship and intercession. Do you see there's gold coming from Heaven that is blotting out part of the black line which is the second heaven? Do you see the seven horses who symbolize the angelic hosts coming to earth to help us? I marvel at how immense is His Presence in the heavens, how limited the power of evil in the second heaven compared to God's realm, and how tiny, tiny is the earth. I thought to myself, "Surely I can trust this great God with my worries and fear!" More revelation has come: I see that the tidal wave looks like the beginning of a tunnel. I sense the Lord saying, "Through your heartfelt worship and intercession, earth will move out of the tunnel of chaos and confusion into a place of seeing into the heavenly realm." This painting encourages us that we are closer than we think to the fulfillment of Joel 2:28-29, "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days." As we go through this tunnel of confusion and chaos at this time He is saying to you and me that we will emerge stronger and seeing more clearly than ever before. Moreover, He will take us all the way to fulfill our destiny. Thank You, Jesus, for giving us this painting-word!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Pray Psalm 91 for a world in crisis

Recently I received an email with a video of Rick Joyner giving us a very sobering message.  He said that Bob Jones (whom he considered the most accurate prophet today) prophesied the Japan earthquake twenty-some years ago. He is prophesying the beginning of economic meltdown for the whole world as well as the next earthquake which will take place on the West Coast of the United States. 

In light of Bob Jones' prophecy about the West Coast being the next place for an earthquake, in my spirit I see that we who live on the West Coast (as well as elsewhere) must now step into the realm of "we live by faith not by sight." (2 Cor.5:7) In other words, we are to live by every word which proceeds out of the mouth of God.  Jesus said in Luke 4:4,  "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." The thought came to me: Yes, the spiritually laid back lifestyle will no longer work for us. We are going to have to live by every word that comes from God, which means, we need to develop an intimate relationship with Him whereby we can hear His voice with clarity.

In September 2004, I was invited to get a painting-word for the United Nations at a 24-hour prayer meeting in New York City. While there I received a vision of a child sitting on the lap of Jesus who is sharing His heart with the child concerning the world.  Little did I know that it would be seven years before God's kairos time for this painting to emerge.

From this painting we see this child listening to His voice, and we know that he is kept alive by what Jesus tells him. For in truth in this time of the earth shaking and economy shaking, and nations warring, and hearts melting in fear, we know we must learn to sit on His lap in total childlike trust to be safe.

This morning I felt fear knocking on the door of my heart from Bob Jones prophecy, so I asked the Holy Spirit to help me overcome my fear.  Psalm 91, which Peter and I read every morning, came to my mind.  I sat down with pen and my journal and began to copy Psalm 91 down, except I was rewriting Psalm 91 with the help of the Holy Spirit  to meet my heart's need and, I believe, the need of all our hearts for the days ahead.

Psalm 91

We who sit on the lap of Jesus will rest in the protection of His arms that enfold us. We will cry out to Him, "You are my safety and my source for food and water. You are the One I can trust." We declare that You, Jesus, will save us when the earth shakes and houses crumble and mountains fall into the sea, and when the tsunami waves rise three-story high.  We declare that You,Jesus, will cover us with Your voluminous gown as You bundle us up and take us to higher ground, and tuck us away by the strong Rock. We know You will faithfully guard us and You will be our shield and rampart when all hell break loose on earth.

We will not be tormented by the fear of when the earthquake will strike, nor how we can stay alive when the economic system of the world falls into total chaos.  Thousands and tens of thousands may be hit, but we will be hidden in Your embrace.  We will watch it from afar and  we will also see how God powerfully turns everything to good for us who love You. Not only that, but we will laugh with the He-Laughs-At-Fear Horse(see when tens of thousands will run to Jesus and the enemy will gnash his teeth, helpless to hang on to them.

If we learn to sit on Your lap as little children, and if we proclaim You are our very own safe place, then no harm will befall us, no disaster will come near our home, because You will command Your angels to guard us wherever we are and whatever we do.  These angels will be our guardian angels.( see the horses in the "Tidal Wave over the World with Wild Horses" painting who are being sent to the earth to assist us). We will walk in His authority and peace and boldly step on the lion who is the devourer and on the serpent with the deadly forked tongue.  We are being trained even now to use our authority over them in Jesus' name.

Jesus tells  us - the child on His lap - "Because you love Me and trust Me and you declare My name, I will respond to you when you call Me.  I will be right there for you in whatever circumstances you are in, and I will deliver you out of your troubles.  I will turn things into blessing and bring honor to you.  With long life I will satisfy you and show you the way I will save you - through signs and wonders, dreams and visions and miracles."

How do we pray for Japan?  By praying for the Holy Spirit to come down upon Japan - the nation with 1 1/2% Christians. God wants to counter the tsunami of death and destruction that hit Japan on March 9th with the tsunami of the Holy Spirit of  Joel 2:28, "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions." 

Last year in December I got the impression that two painting-words were coming for 2011 - the "Tidal Wave over the World with Wild Horses" and the "Warrior Child" painting-words. I am not wrong.  Please pray for the release of these two words over Japan. And may God's "wild horses", human and angelic, be sent to Japan to release the Holy Spirit there. Amen!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

In the School of The Overcomer

 February 7, 2011

A couple of months ago, a friend let me know that the Lord wanted her to purchase an original painting from me. I asked her which painting, she said she did not know and that I was to ask the Lord with her. This sure is a new way for God to be my Agent for my paintings.

So we got together and before you know it, we both were getting the sense that it might be the large LOTUS painting. This is an important painting in my life. It carries the anointing of the Overcomer spirit. It was to accompany the chapter called "In the School of the Overcomer" of my second book, The Rising Up of the Warrior Bride of Christ, a Prophetic Journey. I would like to lift a portion from that chapter to share with you: 

For twenty some years I lived in anticipation of the fulfillment of Psalm 40:2, "He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire." Yet it was in the very slimy pit, in the mud and mire, that the Lord gave me those beautiful, gentle, sweet, and powerful painting-words.  How can that be?  I think of the lotus flowers growing out of the mud and water: their stems push their way up through the mud into the air to bear these pearly white flowers. John 16:33 b says, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Jesus overcame the world; we are told to do likewise.  This is the overcomer's principle that we live under while we are in this world.

The Book of Revelation constantly exhorts His bride to be overcomer. Revelation 2:7 says, "To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life."....Verse 26, "To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations."

...There is no getting around it.  We are in training now. Our faith muscles must grow stronger by use; our patience must turn into long-suffering. This is seen in James 1:2-3, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

God is developing the overcomer's spirit in His bride. We are in the overcomer's school.  The paintings He sent me, and the messages that came with them, are calls to us to be overcomers.  It is He that is training us up into it. When He does it, it is with wisdom, grace, and effectiveness.  He compliments us when we overcome another hurdle. He forgives us when we fall. He lets us know He is with us.  He protects us. He shares His thoughts with us. Through it all, He is always stretching us to make us ready for what's coming in. He is prodding us to get on quickly with His lessons. Dear friends, we must heed what the Spirit is saying to us. His timing is perfect.

.In this difficult time for us all, Andrew got the word that we are to joyfully praise and thank Jesus for the great things He has done for us; moreover, to proclaim the greater things He is planning to do through us.  No matter what the obstacles -  finance, health issues, depression - He is calling us and is equipping us to be overcomers.

Feb. 7, 2011